What’s the Story?



I haven’t been posting on Wednesdays because I’ve suffered a little set-back in my training. It’s disappointing to me because I was working out at just under 5 miles every other day. I was gaining strength and stamina. But I apparently pushed too hard. My left ankle

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What About Sequels?

I remember as a kid, sequels were a rare and special thing. With classic movies, you might have a sequel featuring specific characters (The Thin Man’s Nick and Nora Charles come to mind), but more often than not, Hollywood would identify chemistry between two performers and just cast them in different story lines and let them work their magic. Tracey and Hepburn. Astaire and Rogers.

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The Story That Changed My Life

“If you build it, he will come.” Remember those words? That haunting whispered voice carried through the windswept corn in Field of Dreams.

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There’s a Reason Classic Movies are CLASSIC

The concept of world-building in a story always makes me think of fantasies and science fiction. Epic stories such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potteror Star Wars. Places where the world, the beings, and the “rules” are foreign to me.

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World-Building: If They Build It, We Will Come

This post first appeared on my former blog Nov. 8. 2010. The concept of world-building in a story always makes me think of fantasies and science fiction.  Epic stories such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potteror Star Wars.  Places where the world, the beings, and the “rules” are foreign

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Story Icons: The Day I Met E.B. White

Charlotte’s Web was a particular favorite story of mine as a kid. Which is pretty funny, since I have a healthy terror of spiders. But somehow, Charlotte A. Cavatica and, of course, Wilbur the pig totally won my heart. So, in 1974, at the age of 11, I was actually excited when my mom suggested we go meet Mr. White.

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Playing Favorites: Children’s Books

I started reading at an early age because I was surrounded by readers in my family. Our household was the kind where gift-wrapped books under the tree on Christmas morning weren’t just expected, they were treasured.

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