Archive for the Movies Category

There’s a Reason Classic Movies are CLASSIC

The concept of world-building in a story always makes me think of fantasies and science fiction. Epic stories such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potteror Star Wars. Places where the world, the beings, and the “rules” are foreign to me.

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World-Building: If They Build It, We Will Come

This post first appeared on my former blog Nov. 8. 2010. The concept of world-building in a story always makes me think of fantasies and science fiction.  Epic stories such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potteror Star Wars.  Places where the world, the beings, and the “rules” are foreign

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The Magic of Fairy Tales

Cinderella. Snow White. Sleeping Beauty. Need I say more? Fairy tales have endured for generations. Their story structure continues to inspire, intrigue and excite us.

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Addictive Characters

Many story-lovers will agree that they like their characters “flawed.” Perfection is, well,annoying to read about. Heroines tend to not quite fit the social norm, and heroes often desperately need to be redeemed in some way. But I’m fascinated with the number of ‘addictive’ personalities that have cropped up in popular stories.

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Twists and Surprises That Captivate

I love a good surprise. Sometimes the reader or audience is in on the secret, while it’s kept from other characters. Twists and surprises make for a memorable story.

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Which Is Better — The Book or The Movie?

Come on, we’ve all experienced it. Loved the book, hated the movie. Or maybe the movie prompted us to read the book. Or maybe the movie blew us away with the spectacle we’d hoped for from the book.

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